Tuesday, March 25, 2025

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How We Fight Communist China

China, by far the most dangerous enemy to the free world, has managed to be viewed very positively in Africa, Arabic-speaking countries, Latin America,...

If You Want To Contact Us Click On This Post

Reinhard Markert 30553 Hannover / Germany Jöhrensstr. 2a At present Boulevard 14 Janvier 4039 Sousse / Tunisia E-Mail: r.markert@fightcommunistchina.org WhatsApp: 0049 172 572 8145 Phone: 00216 288 63 743  

Lack Of Knowledge About China’s true ugly face and phlegm leads to China’s success!

The fact that China has such great success in many countries is due to 1. Lack of knowledge regarding the true ugly face of China. An excellent...

This is how we want to prevent people from buying Chinese products!

As shown elsewhere on this website, many buyers worldwide would not buy Chinese products but still do so due to a lack of knowledge. If...

Latin Americans love China Instead of hating it because they do not know about China’s oppression and torture of its Christians!

The People's Republic of China (PRC) is fostering closer ties with the area frequently referred to as "America's backyard." Washington is concerned that China's expanding...

We inform the 500 million Spanish-speaking Christians about China’s persecution of Christians!

Spanish is a global language with about 500 million native speakers, mainly in the Americas and Spain, and about 600 million when including speakers...

These French-speaking Muslim countries love China Instead of hating it because they do not know about China’s oppression and torture of its Muslims

Below a list of countries where French is at least partially spoken and the percentage of Muslims in those countries ·        Algeria Muslim 99% ·        Benin...

Chinese products sell well in Arab countries even though China cruelly oppresses and tortures its Muslim Uyghurs! We need to change this! 

The fact that China has such great success in many countries is due to the lack of knowledge regarding the true face of China. An...

Want to help fighting China through information or volunteering?

If you wish to help us fight China, be it through information or articles you can provide, be it through volunteering in our project,...

Please consider supporting our project with a donation

Everything connected with this project was financed exclusively by me, Reinhard Markert. If you like our work and the projects we plan, consider supporting our...

China’s success due to lack of knowledge explained by the example of India

China has great success due to the lack of knowledge in certain countries. The best example in this respect is India. Many Indians fear or even...

Our Hindi Language website for Indian People about boycott of Chinese Phones

The Hindi website gives the Indian People knowledge about Chinese Phones, that they should not buy and alternatives that are not made in China. To...

On various websites we call on US citizens not to buy Chinese laptops, telephones, televisions, etc. and provide assistance with precise information! More in...

Click on the link below to go to the various websites where we not only provide US citizens with information about which televisions, phones,...

Africans love China instead of hating it because they don’t know that China is fishing African waters dry poisoning and destroying Africa’s environment and...

According to a survey released on Monday, 13 June 2022, China has surpassed the United States as the foreign power with the greatest positive...

To be guided to our website “America Boycott Chinese Air Conditioners “open this post!

Click on the link below to find out more information about this website. https://www.americaboycottchineseairconditioners.com/

To be guided to our website “America Boycott Chinese TV Brands!“ open this post!

Click on the link below to find out more information about this website. https://www.americaboycottchinesetelevisions.com/

To be guided to our website “America Boycott Chinese Phones!“ open this post!

Click on the link below to find out more information about this website. https://www.americaboycottchinesephones.com/

We want to create a “China oppresses Christians” page in French for the ca. 300 million African and Caribbean Christians!

African and Caribbean Christians are very religious, so in order to destroy the positive image of China in French-speaking Christian countries, we want to...

We have created in English the website “China Oppresses Christians”!

We have created to inform English-speaking Christians the website “China oppresses Christians”. For more information click on the following link: https://www.chinaoppresseschristians.com

We created a website in Spanish titled “China Oppresses Christians”

Worldwide, there are 500 million Spanish-speaking people, most of whom are Christians, and most of them like China. So, we show them how China oppresses...

To be guided to our website “China Oppresses Muslims” in Bengali language open this post!

Find out more about this website by clicking on the link below. https://www.chinadaramuslimranipirito.com/

To be guided to our website “China Oppresses Muslims” in Arabic language open this post!

Find out more about this website by clicking on the link below. https://www.alsiyntadtahidalmuslimin.com/

To be guided to our website “China Oppresses Muslims” in English language open this post!

Find out more about this website by clicking on the link below. https://www.chinaoppressesmuslims.com/

On our website “China Darlings” we show the worldwide China supporters!

There are many well-known non-Chinese people, organizations and companies who kowtow to Xi Jinping, a dictator who makes people disappear, imprisons almost 2 million...

On our “Unpatriotic US Citizens and Companies” website we show American China supporters!

With this website, we want to rip the mask off UNPATRIOTIC US CITIZENS AND COMPANIES who are making Communist China stronger! Many American companies, celebrities,...

We created an English-language website “That Is China”

To show misinformed people the dark side of China, I have created an English-language website “THAT IS CHINA” On the one hand, the website is intended...

We created the page “Chinese Sneering Cartoons”

Unfortunately, many people still do not realize Communist China's contempt and hatred towards democratic and dissident countries. Because pictures say more than rambling articles and...

In this post and the following posts you will receive information about important Anti-China propaganda languages

The Chinese newspaper XINHUA for instance, is available in English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Arabic, and many China-run Twitter and Facebook account in...

Anti-China Propaganda In Spanish Language

Around 530 million people worldwide speak Spanish, most of whom live in Latin America. On this continent, media coverage of China is becoming increasingly...

Anti-China Propaganda In Bengali Language

Bangla (Bengali) is the seventh most spoken language in the world in terms of population, with nearly 265 million speakers in total, among whom...

Anti-China Propaganda In German Language

It is no secret that former German Chancellor Angela Merkel had deep relations with China. Twelve trips to China and the title “Old Friend of...

Anti-China Propaganda In Portuguese Language

The official language in Portugal and Brazil, with more than 200 million native speakers, is Portuguese. And especially in Brazil the actual government spreads positive...

Anti-China Propaganda In French Language

There are about 280 million French speakers worldwide. Most of them live in Africa, the continent where China maintains particularly close relations with its...

Anti-China Propaganda In Malay Language

Malay is the official language of Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, and Malaysia, and it is even used in Thailand and the Philippines. The Chinese newspaper XINHUA...

Anti-China Propaganda In Arabic Language

There are about 270 million Arabic-speaking people in the world, and most governments in Arab countries are friendly to China, with the result that...

We have to create French Arabic German Bengali Spanish websites to show the world the brutal face of China!

To show misinformed people the dark side of China, I have created an English language website “That Is China .” https://www.thatischina.com On the one hand, the website...

A post from our website “Chinese Sneering Cartoons And Brutal Acting” showing China’s hatred towards the USA!

This is a post from my website chinese-sneering-cartoons.com/ which shows the lying sneering Communist China! The cartoon was published in the Chinese communist newspaper “Global Times”.

Another post from our website “Chinese Sneering Cartoons And Brutal Acting” showing China’s hatred towards the USA!

This is a post from my website chinese-sneering-cartoons.com/ which shows the lying sneering Communist China! The cartoon was published in the Chinese communist newspaper “Global Times”.